Meet: 9:45 a.m. at the Saskatoon Field House parking lot, corner of College Drive and Preston Avenue
Leader: Cliff Speer 306-653-5693
We had 4, out of 5 spring hikes, that were almost completely tick free! Now, the forests, and open grasslands, are beautifully tick-free, and waiting for us to meander through, on a Sunday. Thanks to a new volunteer hike leader, we are even starting to re-introduce some of our old hikes. Please let Sheryl (306-382-9462) know if you too would like to volunteer, to lead a hike, clear trails, help maintain our huts, and outdoor biffies, create the winter wood supply, etc. It’s thanks to our volunteers that we are able to enjoy all these amazing amenities!
All members are welcome on the hikes! We usually hike for about 12 km, with water breaks, and a lunch break. Some hikes are followed by a fall supper, wiener roast, etc. Please bring lots of water, a lunch, a sit-upon, hat and clothing layers, sturdy shoes, sunscreen, money for a supper (if attending), $10.00 per person, for the driver, for gas, if carpooling.
See you on the trails!